HR Development Training

HR Development Training

leag global, icon, Executive team coaching

Lead Global’s HR Development Training equips Human Resource professionals with unique coaching skill sets that open up new dimensions of positive organizational influence.

Human Resource managers are situated within a critical organizational junction. Studies show that HR personnel’s ability to profoundly impact their organization’s success levels increase when they are given the freedom and responsibility to fulfill a strategic function, rather than merely an administrative one.

It is for this reason that coaching skills, and relationship coaching skills in particular, are such effective tools for improving HR personnel’s professional range and their ability to positively influence their organization. At Lead Global, we offer HR departments unique coach-approach training that helps establish them as organizational leaders, fully equipped with refined listening and assessment skills, heightened leadership capabilities and an enriched, multi-perspective view of the organizational system.

HR personnel are naturally people-oriented; coach-approach training helps them enhance interpersonal communication and establish positive, authentic relationships with employees, managers and candidates. This, in turn, assists them in:

  • Conducting constructive, positive interviews with candidates for diverse job positions
  • Facilitating successful new employee placement and integration
  • Establishing coherent professional teams across the organization
  • Solving relationship problems within existing teams
  • Deepening the connection and relationship with top-level management and departments
  • Instilling and practicing an independent and unique leadership style
  • Transforming situations employee talks, feedback and meetings into growth opportunities

Lead Global is committed to results. Over the years, our work with Human Resource departments have helped create powerful and sustainable organizational success.
Interested in learning more? Email us at [email protected] or call our office at (972)-3-6911344.