What is Team Coaching?

What is Team Coaching?

leag global, icon, Executive team coaching

Team coaching helps teams reach their goals, while creating a sustainable environment that cultivates long-term excellence and success. The team coaching process helps teams align around a common purpose, establish inspiring spirit and vision, define clear roles, commit to team accountability, make powerful choices and take affirmative action.

A team is a selection of people put together for a common purpose with defined functional roles and identifiable goals. Teams are expected to produce results. But many teams fall short, are unable to nurture success over time, or succumb to inner pressure and conflict.

The facets of team coaching
At Lead Global, we help teams become resilient to the ever-changing dynamics of the organizational world. We offer Team Development programs that facilitate extraordinary performance, create alignment between teams and their organizational goals, and enhance collective pro-activity.

  • Collaborative leadership is a necessary condition for extraordinary production in teams. Through collaborative leadership, teams find their unique purpose, a set of strong leadership qualities within the team and an inspiring team essence.
  • All high performing teams score high on two critical dimensions: Productivity and Positivity. According the Team Diagnostic Assessmentâ„¢ and related research, the Positivity dimension is reflected in trust, optimism, diversity inclusion, constructive interaction, communication, and more. The Productivity dimension is measured by pro-activity, leadership, accountability, alignment and bottom-line results. Team coaching begins with raising the team awareness to its Positivity and Productivity levels, and continues with exploring and finding the best specific action plan to grow the team where needed.
  • Lead Global applies a unique Systems Approach to team development. We regard the team as a living dynamic organism whose characteristics transcend those of individual members. The team is viewed as an entity with spoken and unspoken rules, vision, ideas, blind spots, expectations and necessities. The spirit of a team plays a significant role in how the team works together and what it produces.

Who can benefit from team coaching?
Our programs are designed for senior and mid-level management teams, board of directors, multi-national and cross-cultural teams, virtual teams, multi-interfaces teams, human resource teams, family business teams, educational teams, and more.

When will a team benefit from team coaching?

  • When a new strategy or work plan is required
  • When perpetual team conflicts need to be solved
  • When team efficiency must increase
  • When team burnout and distress hamper productivity
  • When a team is unable to reach its performance goals and deadlines
  • When re-stabilization is needed due to organizational change, growth, merger or downsizing
  • When a successful team seeks its next level of growth
  • When cultural and communication gaps hinder workflow
  • When decision making is weak and hindering
  • When diversity blocks the team, rather than propelling it forward


The Four Quadrants of Team Development by Team Coaching International Ltd.

