Conflict Resolution Lab

Conflict Resolution Lab

leag global, people, Executive team coaching

Teams members geared towards fulfilling specific tasks and missions don’t always see eye to eye. In fact, professional teams that experience crisis are quite common. The good news? Conflict is not a bad thing – it’s a signal of opportunity for change, maturation, learning, and eventually, enhanced success. It is a sign that it is time to grow as a team.

Teams are made up of members who don’t always see things the same way. In fact, diverse opinions are actually a good thing. Occasionally though, differences lead to anger, detachment and hostility – an atmosphere of crisis that hampers the team’s spirit, cohesion and production.

At Lead Global, we view conflict as an opportunity for change. It is as if the team is saying: “We can’t continue this way – we need to evolve and change something”. We cherish such challenges, and are experts at working with teams to transform crisis into a new stage in development. We help teams build from conflict to establish a new foundation for increased production, enhanced positivity and newfound success.

Inner team tension, difficulties and failures occur due to both team relationship aspects and functional aspects. This is why, when we begin working with teams in crisis, we first assess both the relationship factors such as trust, optimism, diversity inclusion, constructive interaction and communication, and also productivity factors such as pro-activity, leadership, accountability, alignment and bottom-line results.

After an initial assessment stage, whereby the team becomes aware of its current state, team members enter a coaching process in which the playful, authentic “safe space” generates engagement through dialogue and shared experiences. The “safe space” enables the team to express emotions, strengthen relationships, solve functional issues, and establish a new team spirit.

Specific outcomes of our team crisis management may include:

  • An ability to handle diversity through open communication
  • Awareness of communication toxins and recovery methods
  • Collaborative leadership
  • Increased productivity
  • An enhanced positive atmosphere within the team
  • Constructive teamwork, cooperation and accountability for results

Lead Global is committed to results. The teams we work with turn conflict into meaningful change. Interested in learning more? Email us at [email protected] or call our office at (972)-3-6911344.